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Our Photographer

I grew up in Northeast Ohio and worked several jobs before joining the Navy during the Vietnam War. I learned electronics in the Navy and made a career out of it after my enlistment was up. I married my wife during my last year in the Navy in California.  

Following the Navy we moved back to Ohio, and I worked for several computer companies first as a technician and then moved into management. Job transfers moved us from Ohio to Michigan and then to Indiana. My last job before retirement was as Director of International Sales for an audio company. I have traveled to many parts of the world in both the Navy and employment.  

Photographer Jerry Stutzman, TC-Photos

My interest in photography started when I was young. My father loved to shoot 35mm pictures when we traveled, and he loved to travel (I caught that bug also from him). I started off with a 110 Brownie and when I was in the Navy, I moved to 35mm.

After the Navy, I was working too many hours to keep the hobby up, but when I started traveling internationally, I started photographing once again. First with film and then I moved to digital cameras when they became available. During my last few years working, I bought my first serious DSLR camera and never looked back.

After retirement, my wife Kathy and I moved from Indiana to the Traverse City area, and I was encouraged by a friend to start selling my photos and he told me to start in his business. Following that and with a few camera upgrades, I have greatly enjoyed capturing image, mostly landscape, old buildings, and old automobiles

As stated earlier, I followed in my father’s footsteps with photography and carried it on to a higher level. The joy is seeing the beauty of our great world, but to capture the beauty with my camera and share it so everyone can enjoy what I have seen.

I always like to say my favorite location is where I am at any moment in time, However, I love the Grand Tetons as they hold so much beauty. I enjoy most of the National Parks, but I love the Grand Traverses / North Michigan area and Fishtown. I believe that God has made a wonderful world and we can find great places to see and enjoy regardless of where we are. We just need to open our eyes.

With photographing landscape, there is such a wide range of beauty from the wide open lay of the landscape, or waterfalls. There is so much color and structure of the land from mountains, rivers, fields, trees and much more. When you find a gem while looking at the landscape and capture it to share with others, that is a blessed moment and something that you remember forever.  

The pleasure that I get most from being a photographer is seeing the joy in others as they look at my images and I get to meet them. Photography has opened many doors for me to meet many great people and to share my passion with them. The other part is just being in places where I can take some great images to share.

Best regards,
Jerry Stutzman


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